The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Feature = 469

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Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 5/12/1999 
Entry: A bit ani-climatic after yesterdays marathon session. Cleaned up and photographed. Jez and Richard began base planning. Mellaarts level X building 8 (our building 18) is now numbered spaces 171 (Souithern) and 172 (northern). Its walls are 467 (western), ... click here for more... 
Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/10/1999 
Entry: Spent most of the day working on wall F.467, when Jez planned the top it looked quite complicated and as usual at Catal this proved to be true. Post F.504 proved to be a secondary feature as did fill/packing (4660), both of these were sandwiched between w... click here for more... 
Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/26/1999 
Entry: Numbered area under building 18 as space 181. Assigned number (4709) to stray finds which pop out of section and I can’t tell the context but must pre-date level X. Excavated the features cutting (4710). At the west end was a big pit that isn’t bottomed... click here for more... 
Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/22/1999 
Entry: Have spent the last couple of days removing bits of walls - F.467, F.469 and F.507 - and doing various other bits and pieces such as helping Wendy as she was cutting blocks. I will probably spend tomorrow catching up on paperwork and perhaps helping with ... click here for more... 

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Yapi Kredi



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Konya Seker
