The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 18311

Page 1 of 2 (Total Records: 13)
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/10/2009 
Entry: SRW and Ümriye were excavating room fill layer 18314 (space 343), taking it back to the new step on easting 691. This extends north and the remainder will be excavated once PTW finalises recording his suspected pit cut 18306. EMM and SO completed excavat... click here for more... 
Name: OMV 
Date: 8/10/2009 
Entry: -------------------- General -------------------- Today both SRW and I removed the remaining fill from Unit 18309, defining in the process a new unit (Unit 18311) . Otherwise the day was spent recording and starting the excavation of Unit 18322. ... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/10/2009 
Entry: Began day with OMV removing the final part of unit 18309 (space 342). During this a suspected Byzantine floor tile (18309.X2) was recovered from the north of the unit (in the slightly more disturbed area in front of the northern buttress [feature 5061]) -... click here for more... 
Name: OMV 
Date: 8/11/2009 
Entry: -------------------- General -------------------- Excavation was today divided between Unit 18311 and Unit 18314. Of the latter I was mainly involved with the removal of room fill and the cleaning of profiles. -------------------- Unit 18311 --... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/11/2009 
Entry: Spent today back in space 342. A combination of careful cleaning of (arbitrary layer) unit 18311 and intentional overcutting of a pair of pits (to reveal snapshots of vertical stratigraphy) either side of the space's northern buttress (i.e. immediately ea... click here for more... 
Name: OMV 
Date: 8/12/2009 
Entry: -------------------- General -------------------- Excavation continued in Space 342, Unit 18311, accompanied by SRW. -------------------- Unit 18311 -------------------- The decision was made to clear Unit 18311 in order to reach the layer o... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/12/2009 
Entry: Thinking regarding space 342 has swung back to the notion that, while unit 18311 (whose deepest extent is defined as its interface with the thus far undefined brown layer underneath, and mentioned in my diary entry yesterday) is not directly overlying a f... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/12/2009 
Entry: PTW and JFB managed to define the northern limits of cut 18306 (fill 18305). The northern limit of the cut was mistaken in previous days and it was not until today that its true extent was realized. The cut in its northern boundary is shaped in the form o... click here for more... 
Name: OMV 
Date: 8/13/2009 
Entry: -------------------- General -------------------- Today work was split between Space 342 (Units 18311 and 18328) and Space 343 (Unit 18314). -------------------- Unit 18311 -------------------- SRW and I cleared the remaining chalky fill from... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/15/2009 
Entry: Today PTW and myself carried on lifting room fill 18314 in space 343. The fill is very similar in texture and appearance to the mudbrick walls that define it, making it extremely difficult to distinguish between between mudbrick and fill. The northern wal... click here for more... 

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