On an archaeological excavation every deposit is given a unique number. At Catalhoyuk
we call these numbers Unit numbers (similar to Context numbers). The dig has already
allocated over 20000 Units numbers!
Displaying Unit Numbers for Feature 3436 | Page 1 of 2 (Total Records: 15)
| 18983 | Layer | 18994 | Layer | 20023 | Layer | 20024 | Layer | 20026 | Layer | 20027 | Layer | 20028 | Layer | 20042 | Layer Friable sandy clay top layer to hearth feature 3436. Appears to sit on top of earlier ashier hearth layers/floors. | 20045 | Layer Compound layer of hearth composed of very friable burnt clay with charcoal and small plaster inclusions located under superstructure u.20042, and appe... | 20046 | Layer Unit is a loose heavily burned layer of packed floors to hearth F 3436, located under more compact floor layer 20045. |
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