Displaying Diary Entries for Feature = 5075 |
Page 1 of 2 (Total Records: 13)
Name: | TEB |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/26/2009 |
Entry: | Over the last few days JMR has been taking down space 310 slowly in order to expose any cultural surface that may be present. Today JMR began recording the elevations in space 310, having stopped excavating at unit 18348, suspected to be a surface. Featur... click here for more... |
Name: | ER |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/27/2009 |
Entry: | This year's season was very efficient due to an excellent team, and as TEB has taken over the technical part of the diary I had done during the previous three years, this day of recovery from a feaverish cold is the time to summarize my view of our result... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/8/2010 |
Entry: | Exciting day in Trench 5.
PTW started tackling the fill east of buttress or wall F.5075 in the eastern extension of the trench. He defined the outlines of the ceastwards continuation of wall F.5067 and verified that F.5075 is a wall connected to F.5067... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/9/2010 |
Entry: | Another exciting day in Trench 5.
EMM continued excavation in the area of clustering pot sherds (15160) between wall F.5067 and buttress F.5057, producing a lot of nice complete pots, articulated animal bones and x-finds. Today she found out that the a... click here for more... |
Name: | PTW |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/9/2010 |
Entry: | Today was full of revelations. The space where I have been excavating has now been defined as Sp. 447. Sometime before breakfast I discovered a compact surface, which turned out to be a plastered floor (Unit 15167) interfaced with the surrounding walls... click here for more... |
Name: | PTW |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/11/2010 |
Entry: | Unit 15163 in space 447 is nearly excavated completely. Only some bit of fill remains situated between F.5075 and F.3319. This small area is very rich in small and X finds. Some concentrations of a bright red pigment appeared associated with a partial ... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/12/2010 |
Entry: | Today, BOD drew the features we defined yesterday after levelling the area in the NE corner of the trench (F.5052, 5057, 3321, 3320,3322, 3326, 3324). JFB drew the floor (15170) in Space 446. EMM finished taking out cluster U.15160 and defined the outline... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/15/2010 |
Entry: | PTW removed the possible installation F.3325 today (the "bukranium"). It sits on a strange bump of plaster, mortar and mud brick (?), but does not seem to be an installation, as I believe - rather a coincidence. He also found the continuation of the floor... click here for more... |
Name: | EMM |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/2/2011 |
Entry: | Today I started excavating U 16936. This unit is an arbitrary layer in the roomfill of space 449, created in order to have a look what happens under the wall plaster lens 15380 and roomfill unit 15370. I started to go down in an arbitrary layer of circa 7... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/21/2012 |
Entry: | GWN worked further in his sondage. After taking out floor 18376, we saw two rectangles in the cut: a red rectangle in the west, and a dark grey rectangle in the east. Both seemed to be building material; they were rather homogeneous and we have seen both ... click here for more... |