The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 18328

Page 1 of 2 (Total Records: 11)
Name: OMV 
Date: 8/13/2009 
Entry: -------------------- General -------------------- Today work was split between Space 342 (Units 18311 and 18328) and Space 343 (Unit 18314). -------------------- Unit 18311 -------------------- SRW and I cleared the remaining chalky fill from... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/15/2009 
Entry: Today PTW and myself carried on lifting room fill 18314 in space 343. The fill is very similar in texture and appearance to the mudbrick walls that define it, making it extremely difficult to distinguish between between mudbrick and fill. The northern wal... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/16/2009 
Entry: Today PTW and myself continued in space 343 excavating 18314. Beneath this rather sterile layer of compact rubble consisting of broken mudbrick, clumps of marly plaster, burnt mudbrick frags, we cut into a layer (which has not yet been assigned a unit num... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/16/2009 
Entry: 13/08/2009 The brown layer underneath unit 18311 (in space 342), described in previous diary entries, has now been defined as unit 18328. The day was spent completing excavation of unit 18311 and then drawing a plan of the top of newly-exposed unit 183... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/16/2009 
Entry: 15/08/2009 With periodic help from OMV (who also spent time in space 343), ER and PFB, a significant portion of unit 18328 has today been excavated. It would seem that, in keeping with the northward slope downwards of the upper extent of unit 18328, th... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/17/2009 
Entry: Today PTW, JFB and myself continued in space 343 lifting room fill 18314. The lower coarse of mudbricks underlying the walls defining space 343 (F.5074, 5050=2425, 2426) continue to be exposed as we lift 18314. The fill 18314 contains very few inclusions ... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/17/2009 
Entry: The day in space 342 began with JFB removing the remainder of the neonate (the skull), and was filled with the continued excavation of unit 18328. Along with ER and with help from JFB, unit 18328 has been largely - so far as we can tell - removed: duri... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/18/2009 
Entry: PTW, JFB and myself continued in space 343 lifting unit 18314. We decided to fast track the unit, but after a few hours, realised that our dry sieve finds would not be representative of the entire fill of 343, so we went back to dry sieving and hope to co... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/18/2009 
Entry: The removal of unit 18328 in space 342 was today completed, and the more colourful (brighter brown-yellow) layer beneath has been defined as unit 18341. Excavation of unit 18328 has revealed the extent of the potential bench installation (unit 18310) a... click here for more... 
Name: SRW 
Date: 8/19/2009 
Entry: Unit 18341 (in space 342) has, in short, turned out to be significantly more problematic than hoped - although this difficulty arises, at least in part, from the fascinating complexity and richness of assemblage that space 342 is increasingly exhibiting. ... click here for more... 

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