Unit 1230
Category: layer dug in 1995
Area: North
Interpretive Categories: upper surface/floor
Data Category Information: Location: building; Description: general; Material: occupation; Deposition: single
Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.9m, c.0.02m thick
Discussion: Removal of final thin spit of ash and charred plant remains from SE corner of floor in N part of space 70. About halfway along E wall of N part of space 70 is the stump of a charred plank, set vertically against the wall and plastered on both sides. Plaster also smoothes into floor. Remaining fill N of plank is more highly burnt and ashy, and contains lots of lentils - floated as sample 262. Fill S of plank indistinguishable from 1227, floated as sample 279.
Execution: trowel, leaf
Condition: cool under cover
Bedding: as 1227
Post-depositional Features:
Basal Boundary:
Unit Stratigraphy (as recorded in the field):
Dry sieve volume: 0
Total Deposit Volume: 0
Number of Samples recorded by excavator: 4
Number of X-Finds recorded by excavator: 1
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Associated Mellaart Levels (from Space): Unassigned at present
Associated Hodder Level (from Space): Unassigned at present
Buildings: (Click to view the record)
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Spaces: (Click to view the record)
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Features:: none |
Finds Room Information:
All material from site passes through the finds room for washing and separating before it is passed onto the various lab teams. The finds room keeps a basic inventory of what is found. A finds material type list is given here. Further analytical detail maybe provided by the Lab Team data below.
X Finds Material: nothing recorded
Finds Material Stored: nothing recorded
Lab Team Data
Please note the list below does not represent everything that might have been found in this Unit, but represents the datasets we have available on-line. Please ArchaeoBots Sample Recorded: No Ceramic Records: No Clay Object Records: No Chipped Stone Records: No Conservation Recorded: No Faunal Records: Yes
Count of records:: 19
Unit description: No material from dry sieve. Sample 262 >4mm flotation 100% sorted, recorded completely. A small unit with no IDs. Fragments generally <2 cm and mostly <1cm. Mainly mid-brown with several burnt black and grey, and two white (and one blue but does not appear to be so from burning. Weathering quite severe, but may also be due to much bone appearing young. Fragments sharp and spikey. (one poss boar tusk worked, hence a single ID). Sample 279 >4mm flotation 100% sorted, recorded completely. Although deposits looked different in the ground, the bone from these two samples is very similar, with similar amounts of burning. The main difference is that this one includes a couple of larger pieces: a 5 cm fragment of unburnt sheep-size rib and a 3+ cm piece of heavily calcined sheep-size scapula. There is no sense of coherence. This looks redeposited, like fill. Last record = 19Figurine Records: No GroundStone Records: No Heavy Residue Records: No Microfaunal Records: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested microfauna recordsPhytolith Sample: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested phytolith samplesDownload this Units Data