Unit 1437
Category: layer dug in 1996
Area: North
Interpretive Categories: floors
Data Category Information: Location: building; Description: general; Material: occupation; Deposition: multiple
Discussion: Further excavation of floors in Space 70 - series of floors and intermediate packing. Page 2: block samples for chemical analysis- kept when unit was excavated. from central bulk (location on section drawing 96/584) includes rich organic orange layer, and charred lens from FI 33 rake-cut. Dry Sieve Information: Unknown if any dry sieve
Execution: Trowel and pick
Bedding: See 1416
Post-depositional Features:
Basal Boundary:
Unit Stratigraphy (as recorded in the field):
Total Deposit Volume: 0
Number of Samples recorded by excavator: 13
Number of X-Finds recorded by excavator: 1
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Associated Mellaart Levels (from Space): Unassigned at present
Associated Hodder Level (from Space): Unassigned at present
Buildings: (Click to view the record)
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Spaces: (Click to view the record)
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Features:: none |
Finds Room Information:
All material from site passes through the finds room for washing and separating before it is passed onto the various lab teams. The finds room keeps a basic inventory of what is found. A finds material type list is given here. Further analytical detail maybe provided by the Lab Team data below.
X Finds Material: nothing recorded
Finds Material Stored: nothing recorded
Lab Team Data
Please note the list below does not represent everything that might have been found in this Unit, but represents the datasets we have available on-line. Please ArchaeoBots Sample Recorded: No Ceramic Records: No Clay Object Records: No Chipped Stone Records: No Conservation Recorded: No Faunal Records: Yes
Count of records:: 98
Unit description: Dry sieve fauna consists of 1 very poorly preserved large mammal rib fragment (X1). Must have been a rather large piece before disintegration. There are three flotation samples, S1, S4 and S6 (and another which has no sample number and is described as a 'bad sort' hence not recorded here), and bone from their >4mm heavy residues was 100% sorted and recorded in each case. S1 has a small amount of bone, mostly sheep size scrap. There are sheep-size long bone frags, ribs and vertebrae and skull and tooth fragments. Of cattle-size, there are long bone shaft fragments and indeterminate scrap only. Diagnostics consist of a sheep tibia, sheep goat carpals/tarsals, metapodial, phalanx and horn core frag. Despite a small amount of bone, therefore, most body parts (head, trunk, limbs, extremities) are represented for sheep-sized animals. About 20% of the bone is burnt, some low temp, some high temp. Fragments are small, mostly less than 2 cm, but the bone is in relatively good condition, with none gnawed or digested. It seems to derive from various sources and events, but buried relatively fast, not reworked much. This unit is described as both floors and packing, and the bone appears more consistent with the idea of packing (it is not battered/trampled enough to be from a floor surface). S1=F1-44. S4 has a small amount of bone, mostly sheep size scrap (incl. long bone, rib, skull), and one fragment of cattle sized longbone shaft. It has a single diagnostic - a sheep/goat carpal. Fragmentation is high, with most pieces beig 1cm, but condition is ok, no gnawing or digestion, and 20% burning (most charred with a little calcined). As with S1, the lack of rolling/reworking would suggest this is more likely from packing material than floor. F45-60. S6 is fairly small, and consists primarily of sheep sized scrap (long bones, ribs, vertebrae, skull and horn core), with a few pieces of cattle sized scrap (longbones, horn core). The only diagnostics are two sheep sized sesamoids and a small mustelid canine tooth. The majority of the material, though, is indeterminate sheep-sized scrap, resulting from high fragmentation, where a lot of pieces are less than 1cm. But some long bone and skull fragments reach 6/7 cm (and maybe more if they weren't freshly broken). Most of the bone is not weathered much, suggesting relatively rapid deposition. About 20% is burnt, and of this most is black (low temps) with fewer calcined (high temps). There is no carnivore gnawing visible, and just a few pieces digested. Generally, the balance of taxa seems the same as for the other samples, as does the condition. All samples seem more to represent packing than bone from floor surfaces. F61-97. Last number =F97.Figurine Records: No GroundStone Records: No Heavy Residue Records: No Microfaunal Records: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested microfauna recordsPhytolith Sample: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested phytolith samplesDownload this Units Data