Displaying Diary Entries for Feature = 2424 |
Page 1 of 7 (Total Records: 66)
Name: | ER |
Team: | West-Buffalo/Camb |
Date: | 7/17/2007 |
Entry: | Full team except Katie H. Naomi had to stay in after lunch, too. Michaela drew and started to lift the skeleton 14296 in F. 2419.
Good day today after more sleep last night. Mood hope- and cheerful, singing Turku songs in the trench.
Started to doc... click here for more... |
Name: | TEB |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/23/2008 |
Entry: | Today went very smoothly and the work went very well in Trench 5. Excavators are becoming familiar once more with the Catal recording system and samples (archive and flotation) are beginning to be taken more consistently. We now also have a sieve, that ar... click here for more... |
Name: | ER |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/26/2008 |
Entry: | Connection breakdowns, meetings and football games have prevented me fro writing my diary for a few days. Today started like a real Monday (as Saturdays are virtual Mondays here).
On Thursday JMR and KJK had taken down with unit 16833 what looked like... click here for more... |
Name: | RBW |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/27/2008 |
Entry: | (A note to other west mounders who've been having this problem: If you go to Unit/Feature/Space number fields without saving the record, you'll lose anything you've typed in the diary field since Access last automatically saved).
Today was the first d... click here for more... |
Name: | ER |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/2/2008 |
Entry: | Another fun day in T5, as more and more features are being peeled out of their surrounding soil. Monique joined us for interwieving us on our way of excavating and documenting until breakfast.
AWH and JJW finished documenting the pit 16889 and then joi... click here for more... |
Sketch: | Click here to open in a new window |
Name: | ER |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/4/2008 |
Entry: | Now that we got down to the top levels of walls almost eveywhere in T5, more and more people in the trench get their individual space to dig. RBW and JJW, however, had to stay in today. Good to have AWH to tend the Total Station! The shading shed is reall... click here for more... |
Sketch: | Click here to open in a new window |
Name: | DEL |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/5/2008 |
Entry: | Today Eva and I were investigating the plaster along walls 5051 and 2424. It is pretty strange as it apears to slope inward on both profiles and therefore to undercut itself. PFB wants it to be a ceiling and has decided a meepmeep hole tom dug out in the ... click here for more... |
Name: | ER |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/5/2008 |
Entry: | Another great day at T5! Weather was pleasant, archaeology fun.
AWH and JJW continued 16898 in space 310. There is a very interesting cluster of big potsherds (unit 17208) abutting the plaster 13726 at the E wall 2427. looks as if people have swept stu... click here for more... |
Sketch: | Click here to open in a new window |
Name: | TEB |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/6/2008 |
Entry: | An amazing day! Just met Martin Carver.
Archaeology today was impressive. Just towards the end of the day JMR in room fill 16880 (space 340). DEL continued to go down in space 342 taking out 16896 - 57 buckets! Sieving with Ishmael has made a real diff... click here for more... |
Name: | ER |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/6/2008 |
Entry: | Everbody seemed a bit tired today, even the lovely finds (e.g. a bead from unit 16880 continued by JMR - space 340) and a potstand from unit 16898 (space 310, continued by AWH) couldn't make us sing and dance in the trench. Work progressed much faster now... click here for more... |