The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Building: 97

Page 1 of 3 (Total Records: 21)
Name: Lisa Yeomans 
Date: 7/26/2011 
Entry: This is the first diary entry of 2011. We are working in B97 which had been exposed by Mellart and with the northern part of the building truncated during his excavations. The northern part of the building was burnt during the same burning event that spre... click here for more... 
Name: Arek Klimowicz 
Date: 7/5/2012 
Entry: After consultation and taking into consideration prospective areas to excavate on 3rd of july, it has been decided that work should be concentrate particularly on the west face of wall aligned from the top to B.97. The above idea was supported by priority... click here for more... 
Name: Malwina Brachmanska 
Date: 7/7/2012 
Entry: This is the beginning of my diary entry of building 97 (South area). The excavation started above one week. The main purpose is to find out more about stratigraphy of this building and find a first, earliest floor. I am working on the space 469 (storage... click here for more... 
Name: Jack Martinez 
Date: 7/9/2012 
Entry: For the past three days I have been excavating the make up layer of the central floor in building 97, space 365, in the south shelter. I am excavating down to a plaster surface beneath the make up layer, which is clearly visible around the south edges of ... click here for more... 
Name: Kristina Jonsson 
Date: 7/9/2012 
Entry: I have been here for a week now, and this is my first entry. I am working in building 97 in the South Area, and so far I have excavated a hearth (units 19695, 19697, part of F.3541) and a fire spot (F. 3545) together with Jack, and a pit (U. 20308, 20310)... click here for more... 
Name: Malwina Brachmanska 
Date: 7/14/2012 
Entry: My first task from the last week was to reveal if the plaster which we found under one of the bins (the most south one) was a bin or part of the floor. As the edge of the plaster are really clear and straight, and the plaster actually do not come far on t... click here for more... 
Name: Kristina Jonsson 
Date: 7/16/2012 
Entry: In building 97 we are slowly moving forward.. The stratigraphy is extremely complex, since many layers don’t overlap but only "meet" where different structures connect (platforms, spaces etc.). We seem to finally be reaching a level where major parts of t... click here for more... 
Name: Malwina Brachmanska 
Date: 7/17/2012 
Entry: As sp.469 seemed to be earlier than the rest of the B.97 I change a place of digging and now whole team works on sp.365. We are strongly sure that central floor and the NE part are contemprorary. Hovewer the S part was earlier so we started from taking th... click here for more... 
Name: Jack Martinez 
Date: 7/17/2012 
Entry: Today we finished excavating the central floor make up layer in building 97, which took several days of work split between the four members of the pod. Because the make up layer consisted of several patchy layers of plaster and other material, we compound... click here for more... 
Name: Jack Martinez 
Date: 7/18/2012 
Entry: Today we were planning to take down the southern wall of building 97, but as we were finishing the excavation of the make up layer in the southern dirty floor, unit 20331, we uncovered what appear to be two obsidian caches next to each other on the wester... click here for more... 

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